Read This Before Giving Your Dog Cherries!

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Fresh cherries are a super healthy snack, but what about for dogs?

It’s a great question! The truth is there are pros and cons to canine consumption.

Can I Give My Dog Cherries?Perhaps you want to know about the benefits or simply if sharing cherries is no harm done. 

Whatever the case, you’ll be happy to hear you can feed your dog a few. The cyanide factor is not a deal breaker!

Read more for the full scoop….

Your Dog Can Eat Modest Amounts of Prepared Fresh Cherries

Just be sure to remove any stems, pits and leaves prior to feeding.

Cherries, the pits in particular, do contain a bit of cyanide. To play it safe, don’t let your dog eat a whole bunch of them in one sitting.

And consider that while cherries aren’t exactly poisonous, regularly feeding them is not really practical or economical.

When you do share, it is highly recommended that you go with fresh cherries and certainly do the easy prep work.

Possible Health Benefits

Unprocessed cherries are a health food.

They contain plenty of vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, powerful antioxidants and phytochemicals including melatonin.

More good news…

The cherry may reduce inflammation. This, at least in theory, means improved arthritis. Sleep and relaxation could also become better.

Prevention of cancer is even possible!

These are excellent attributes and quite possibly applicable to dogs. But still, take a close look at why cherries can be harmful…

Cherries Contain Cyanide

The ASPCA says cherries are toxic for dogs.

The Cyanogenic glycosides combines with this fruit’s natural enzymes.

In other words, it may release low levels of cyanide. Actually, all Prunus species contain cyanide.

Here’s the deal:

The amount in a cherry is likely nothing to worry about. But, it’s still best to not complicate the dog’s life.

Ration and prepare each cherry.

And keep the family’s stash in the refrigerator (where the dog can’t find them).

Watch For Symptoms

So a couple of cherries are unlikely to cause concerning symptoms.

Nevertheless, know certain telltale signs of poisoning (if perhaps your dog ate too many).

Watch for:

  • Labored breathing
  • Bright reddish gums
  • Dilated pupils

While rare, serious cases could cause some dogs to go into shock.

Also keep a look out for what typically happens in cases of food poisoning ie. upset stomach and a bout of doggie diarrhea.

Two Cherry Alternatives

Apples are more appropriate than cherries.

Why is that?

They will better satisfy your dog’s appetite. They also make more sense economically.

Another excellent fruity option are blueberries!

Granted, they’re similarly small like cherries and aren’t as filling as apples.

The Bottom Line

You can feed your dog a small amount of unprocessed cherries.

Be moderate and remove stems, pits and leafs.

This fruit has antioxidants, natural melatonin, vitamins and lots of nutrients but from a practical standpoint cherries aren’t the greatest of treats for a pet dog.

On the bright side, cyanide is not a factor assuming you stick to modest portions.

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6 thoughts on “Read This Before Giving Your Dog Cherries!”

  1. Is it safe to feed super green organic food powder with Acerola cherry extract? What about green tea extract? I don’t know if this is caffeinated or not.

    The product I’d like to give my dogs is made by a company called Amazing Grass. The product itself is the Original Green Superfood. I would like to make sure it is safe for my 2 large (70 pound) dogs.

  2. I have a small cherry orchard of about 1,000 mature trees. I have two Golden Retrievers that hoover up a lot of dropped fruit during harvest.

    Their poos are a loose mass of seeds and a lot of poos are involved. Both dogs love them and have never showed any adverse symptoms. The seeds are intact, why bother trying to crunch a seed when there’s another juicy morsel just there.

  3. Are dried cherries any more or less harmful than fresh cherries? Usually the pits are already removed and we eat those for snacks. I wonder if I should be sharing a few with my dogs or not.

  4. I have two 10 pound Chorkies that live for fruit. Blueberries are number 1 with cherries a close second. Apples, not so much.

  5. Cherries are technically poisonous to both humans and animals because the pit, leaves and stems contain cyanide. The flesh portion consumed by humans is actually okay for dogs. It actually contains an antioxidant that can reduce the rate of heart disease and cancer in dogs. They are also great sources for a natural anti-inflammatory agent and help as a natural laxative.

    If your dog eats them with the pit, call the Poison Control Center immediately. If you want to feed them some cherry, make sure they are washed. Be sure to the seed, leaf and stem. Moderate the consumption because they’re extremely sweet and dogs do not process sugar the same way we do.

  6. My dog drank an artificial and natural fruit-flavored electrolyte that includes cherry. I’m scared because I just found out cherries are bad for dogs and so I’m worried her condition could worsen. What can I do?

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