Read This Before Giving Your Dog a Sleeping Pill!

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Are you considering sleeping pills for your restless pet dog?

Can I Give My Dog Sleeping Pills?As you know, these powerful pharmaceuticals are easily poisonous. It is not recommended that you give your dog a benzodiazepine or any other sleep-inducing drug.

The truth is that human-formulated sleeping pills can cause stomach pain, vomiting and even death.

The good news?

You can help your dog get better sleep without these strong medications.

Do Not Give Your Dog a Sleeping Pill

It’s too risky and may complicate your canine’s life.

Some vets prescribe low doses of Valium or Xanax for dogs with sleep issues, but these drugs are not safe nor are they a real solution.

Make no mistake about it:

Human medications, especially sleeping pills, are all wrong for your dog’s metabolism.

Forget about using prescription meds. The following are some safer ways to calm and enable restfulness…

A Few Natural Remedies

One approach worth trying is Rescue Remedy.

You put a few drops into your dog’s water bowl. It promotes relaxation and sleep tends to come easier.

Also recommended are calming soft chews for dogs.

Is Your Dog Tired Enough?

Humans do not sleep very well when they aren’t tired.

And of course, the same is true for pets!

Getting your dog enough exercise will almost always improve sleep. Take time out of your day for physical activities.

Whatever you do, avoid ending up at the vet due to a sleeping pill nightmare (no pun intended)!

The Acepromazine Option

Commonly referred to as ACE, Acepromazine is used by veterinarians.

But wait! ACE is even worse as a sleeping pill compared to Xanax or Valium.

It cannot be stressed enough:

Acepromazine is not a sleep solution or a calming (anxiety) aid. It is a dangerous tranquilizer antiemetic.

It will only sedate your dog’s physical capacities, sometimes useful for traumatizing vet visits or travel. So run from any recommendation of Acepromazine as a way for a dog to get better sleep.

FYI: Benadryl may be the least worst OTC drug for dogs, but it also can’t be used on a regular basis.

Pets With Pain Problems

Chronic pain is a common reason why dogs don’t sleep soundly.

This must be addressed, rather than using sleeping pills. Quality bedding often makes a big difference. Comfort is key!

Again, go with safe alternatives rather than popular OTC sleep products or powerful prescription medications.

Downright Dog Dangerous

Providing any kind of human drug to a precious pet is serious business.

Never administer sleeping pills without your vet’s guidance. Medical history, size, breed and age are factors to take into account.

And a medical professional’s help is needed if the dog has accidentally consumed sleeping pills. This is particularly true if the amount is unknown — either OTC or Rx meds.

The Bottom Line

We cannot recommend sleeping pills. They are too dangerous for your dog.

Instead go with safer and equally effective remedies.

Pet-friendly stress and anxiety aids may improve sleep in the short term.

Ultimately your dog will get better rest if they can unwind and relax. Avoid sleep meds!

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13 thoughts on “Read This Before Giving Your Dog a Sleeping Pill!”

  1. I have a dog that cannot be near to anybody. Nobody can cut the nails and do grooming. Is Acepromazine a tablet that can be administered for calming for the purpose of grooming?

  2. Dogs metabolize benzodiazepines(the class of drugs that Valium, Xanax, Ativan fall under) at a rate of about 400-500% of that of a human. I give my dog a 4mg Xanax tab every 4th of July.

  3. I have a 6 week old that will only sleep an hour at a time at night. He was taken from his mother too soon (at 4 weeks) and he can’t seem to get a good night’s sleep.

    Potty whining/crying is expected, but he whines/cries/howls right after his potty breaks. Is Melatonin something to consider or am I just needing more patience?

  4. My Cavalier has been on cancer meds for more than a year, namely Leukeran and Prednisone. He’s not settled at night and panting all the time and I need sleep to work. Any success stories out there for sleep aids to relax him in the evening?

    He does get a good walk but being old and ill he just can’t go for long any more. He has 2 great beds to choose from. I’m off to the vet, worried I might need to have “the conversation”.

  5. Kymberlee says:

    My dog, a Pug Pekingese mix, is super adorable. However, she sleeps all day and then wakes us up barking all night long to eat. She wakes up at midnight, then 2am, 4am and 6am. It is killing us. Can we give her a sleeping pill so that she might sleep at night and be awake in the day?

  6. My 5 year old Beagle is very restless and can’t seem to get comfortable, even while petting him. He’s not pooping, not drinking, won’t rest and it’s 3:00am in the morning. What could be wrong with him? What can I do for him?

  7. I am trying to catch a stray dog with out success as she is skittish. Would a 5mg Valium for humans be safe for a 70 pound dog? We are at our wits end. Animal control could not catch it either. Are there any other options?

    1. I have small Dachshunds, less than 20 pounds, that were prescribed Diazepam (Valium) by their veterinarian. The dosage was 5mg and the instructions were 1/2 or 1 tablet up to three times a day.

      I would be very careful giving a sedative since she is out running around and could get into traffic or fall or some other problem. Have you set a trap with food inside? Rescue groups in your area might be able to help you. Just Google ‘dog rescue’ in your area. Bless your heart for trying to help her!

  8. I have a mixed Chihuahua/Pekingese and he will not let me brush his hair, nor give him a bath for the last couple of weeks now. The last time I tried to brush his hair, he bit me on my hands and he will not come near me. I was thinking of giving him sleeping pills so I can bring him to the vet shop to be groomed. Do you have anything in mind that I can use?

  9. Xanax is sometimes used as a last resort for dogs that might otherwise need to be euthanized for bad behavior. The medicine allows them to pay attention to training sessions.

  10. I need to take my dog to the vet to get him fixed. But I need something to put him to sleep to get him there. Do you know of a sleeping pill I can give him for that?

  11. I am very confused! My vet gave me instructions to give a dose of 1/4 tsp. of MiraLax after her anal gland surgery. She is a 15 year old Doxy. Then I was told to keep giving a high fiber diet to keep her regular.

    She told me to give 1 tsp. plain Metamucil and also to give her a 12.5mg dose of Diphenhydramine for sleep, itching and to calm her down. What on earth should I do now?

    1. Call your vet if you’re confused about their instructions. That’s the first thing you should do.

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