Are you thinking of giving your dog cranberries for a stubborn urinary tract infection?
Here’s the deal:
Contrary to popular belief, the juice does not actually increase urine acidity.
Basically it’s a myth that cranberries can cure a UTI or any other medical problem for that matter!
How about as a health food for a pet dog?
The truth is cranberries aren’t a great reward either. Besides, canines typically do not find the bitter taste to be appealing.
Cranberries Aren’t Toxic For Dogs, But Not Recommended Either
It is best to avoid sharing and particularly in processed juice form.
Cranberries have high sugar content, and the other ingredients in cranberry products may also be less than optimal.
And, to be very clear, this well-intentioned idea won’t help your dog deal with a bad bladder.
As the Theory Goes
Lots of people have heard that cranberry juice can clear up a UTI.
So why can’t the same apply to a pet dog?
After all, it’s said to prevent bacteria from sticking to each other (creating a chain reaction in the urinary tract).
Right? No, wrong!
Studies repeatedly show that cranberries, juices included, are ineffective. The same results are very likely to be true for dogs.
Curing a Canine UTI
A specialized dog food for calcium oxalate and sterile struvite stones is worth trying.
Better yet…
Have a urinary tract infection confirmed!
Owners too often use all sorts of treatments that aren’t needed or cause harm.
Take notes of what you believe is indicative of a UTI. Those observations are useful for a vet’s assessment.
Prescriptions For Pets
Cranberry juice certainly won’t help you to avoid medical bills.
Prescription meds for infection cost money, but the right treatment will prove fruitful later on (pun intended).
It cannot be stressed enough:
Cranberries are ineffective.
The good news is a veterinarian can prescribe something relatively safe and effective for your dog.
As a Special Treat?
Not many people consume cranberries regularly. And your dog should be no different.
The most significant benefit is vitamin C.
Guess what!
Dogs self-produce ascorbic acid and don’t normally need extra.
Of course, you can share small amounts on occasion. There’d be no harm done.
Read about other berries including strawberries, blueberries and even blackberries.
Dried Cranberries
Some folks enjoy dehydrated cranberries. They are fairly healthy, but aren’t great for dogs.
You see, once dried, most fruits take on a different characteristics. And preservatives are typically added to such packaged treats.
Your dog should get nourishment and sustenance from daily meals.
Keep it simple. Do not depend on cranberries.
Awful Added Sugar
Will cranberries spike your dog’s glucose levels?
Possibly! Yet another reason not to be enthusiastic about sharing (at least not frequently).
Again, most cranberry juice products contain additional sugar and unknown preservatives.
The Bottom Line
Cranberries cannot cure a canine’s UTI.
Be sure to get the urinary infection properly diagnosed. Your dog likely needs a prescription (not cranberry juice).
And this berry fruit, from a dietary standpoint, also doesn’t make sense for dogs.
Where is the study to verify your claims? In this study results showed that Cranberry extract did help to prevent UTI in dogs. It should be noted that it was extract in the form of capsules, not cranberry juice or actual fruit.
My dog is old and small. He’s urinating every night which he’s never done before. I put him out in the shed at night because the smell in our house got very bad. I’ll try giving him cranberry juice to see if it will work. Does anybody know how much?
Tom, I hope you are put in a shed when you are old and labeled a burden. Seriously, why not put your dog in the kitchen with some pee pads and a soft bed?
I couldn’t agree with you more. Too bad we don’t try to look at life from our pets’ viewpoint. I think we would change a lot of things.
Beware! Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice, the one that says 100% juice, is mixed with grape juice. I thought by the label I was getting 100% cranberry! I’m very glad my dog wouldn’t drink it. Now I read all labels first. You never know what’s in anything processed.
My 85 pound rescue has started eating cranberries that are abundant when we walk our beaches. I never instigated this and he seems to graze for a few minutes, then he’s off on a tear again. It would appear there are no ill effects, but in the bush I don’t always get a chance to check. Comments please.
I have a friend who lives by a cranberry bog and his dogs eat them all the time. They are just fine. Chances are everything is okay but if he starts showing signs of discomfort or acts differently, just take him to the vet.
I give my dog Crananidin which is a chewable cranberry supplement recommended by my vet to guard against UTIs. She loves it and thinks it’s a treat.
My 4 month old Boxer puppy named Hazel is peeing frequently. It seems like it’s hard for her to get it out. She will sit there for a few minutes and nothing but a few drops comes out and sometimes there is even a few drops of blood!
This really scares me and I don’t have a lot of money to spend on vet bills and the expensive medications at the vet. Should I give her organic cranberry juice to get rid of this urinary tract infection?
My little 4 year old female Pug had the same symptoms. After a normal yearly checkup, not-life threatening stones were found in her bladder. Consequently, they had to be removed for her own comfort and quality of life. It is more common in small female dogs like Shih Tzus and Boxers and age is normally not a factor. Best of luck.
Please take her to the vet and get some antibiotics. Cranberry pills do not rid the dog of the UTI. They only prevent it from happening and help along with the process. I give my dog 10ppm or less colloidal silver, 3 teaspoons a day for 10 days. It’s just like an antibiotic but natural and won’t harm the good bacteria like regular antibiotics can.
I’m wondering why you think colloidal silver is good for animals. Can you quote a study? I have never seen silver listed on any jar of human vitamins, or read about RDAs for silver. I do not think silver is natural for people or animals. Biology student, not a vet.
I would get the poor puppy to a vet if there is blood in the urine! Best wishes to your pup.
“A dog most likely would not be eating fruit, in the wild …”
Wolves are known to eat berries, when in season. Unlike cats, they can taste sugars.
You are totally right. When we pick blueberries, she eats them like crazy and loves it so much!
Our dog will jump up and pick pears from our tree, as well as peaches from our neighbor’s tree (which we have to fence off, so he can’t get the pits). I find it hard to believe that dogs in the wild would not eat fruit, if it’s accessible.
Cranberries and cranberry juice, in moderation, are good for your dog and the kidney/bladder function of man and beast alike. It acts primarily by making the urine slightly acid and hostile to bacteria. Just watch how much sugar is put in the juice. I regularly give my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Craisins, moist dried cranberries, as a treat. Note that I did not say raisins.
Grapes, dried or otherwise are bad news for all dogs. I use them instead of raisins in my cooking so that I do not have to worry about my dog eating anything I might cook. Lower in sugar, they go well as a direct substitute for raisins in any recipe.
My 12 year old Pug loves cranberries and eats them with no problem! They seem to do a good job of knocking out UTIs.
My dog has had a history of UTIs and recently had another but this time with crystals. I will find out which type today. I feed her EVO and I’m not willing to put her on the Science Diet. If it’s Struvite crystals I want to give her cranberries. How many do you give your Pug and how often? She is a Belgian Malinois and weighs about 60 pounds.
I have 5 year old male Pekingese who in March had UTI surgery and another one in October. I would like to give him cranberry juice. Is it a good idea and if so how much do I give him? Everyday? Once a day?