Want to Share Cookies With Your Dog? Read This First!

Is your curious canine craving a cookie?

Obviously this treat isn’t a great reward for your dog.

Can I Give My Dog A Cookie?No matter how you cut it, cookie consumption is a bad idea. There’s no doubt about that!

While a one-time exception wouldn’t be so terrible, sharing with any regularity could easily turn into a bad feeding habit.

The fact is cookies, too much and often, will eventually cause your animal to be overweight, sluggish and unhealthy.

Do Not Feed Your Dog Cookies

They aren’t at all healthy.

If you want to feed your dog cookies then make them yourself!

Homemade is a much better way to share this snack and in small amounts of course. Another option is specially made organic dog cookies.

In any case, store-bought cookies are not a suitable treat.

Why Cookies Are So Bad

Sometimes we share with our dogs like they are people.

It happens!

But avoid including your furry friend whenever you are eating Oreos or most other type of cookies.

Processed foods really should be off limits. There are usually artificial ingredients in those supermarket-sourced cookies.

Combine that with lots of salt, sugar, vanilla and chocolate flavorings and you can start to see why it’s a bad idea for a dog treat.

Have you already given some cookies?

Fear not! That is, unless they contained certain ingredients…

Raisins, Nuts and Others

As we mentioned, one obvious danger to feeding a dog cookies is chocolate chips if they are present.

The thing is there are several other common ingredients to watch out for.

Careful of raisins as well as different types of nuts. Macadamia, in particular, stands out as being harmful for hounds.

So besides the unhealthy aspects to cookie consumption, you also have to be on the lookout for certain additions within these popular recipes.

Do this instead:

Just make cookies off limits to your dog altogether.

Overweight And Sluggish

Have you seen all the fat dogs hobbling around lately?

It is because folks are sharing people foods more and more. They also don’t have time to exercise with their pets.

Do not allow your dog to become overweight and sluggish.

Seriously! It will have long-term health consequences and you’ll be the only one to blame for it.

No cookies!

Go With Cookies For Dogs

We promised an alternative so here goes…

Get top quality dog biscuits instead of feeding sugar-laden cookies. This way you won’t have to feel guilty about sharing junk food.

The Bottom Line

Do not feed your dog cookies.

They are typically loaded up with ingredients that are all wrong for dogs. This human treat is not a good way to reward.

Cookies are bad for dogs unless you make them yourself with quality ingredients.

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