Read This Before Giving Your Dog Ice Cream!

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Are you wanting to share some ice cream with your dog?

Listen! We know it’s difficult to say no whenever a furry friend turns on the charm. Nevertheless, we’ve got to shoot straight with you…

Can I Give My Dog Ice Cream?While only chocolate ice cream is potentially poisonous for your pet dog, it’s a bad idea to offer any flavor.

Feeding of sugary foods, no matter how delicious, is a bit irresponsible.

Dogs that eat ice cream will eventually have health problems. Obesity and diabetes are of particular concern.

Don’t Make a Habit of Giving Your Dog Ice Cream

Throw in the dairy aspect and your buddy could experience bad gas, diarrhea, bloating and vomiting.

With that being said, providing much less than a single scoop can reduce the likelihood of harm.

That’s right! Giving your dog a small taste, if you are strict, typically won’t be detrimental (though we still do not recommend it).

At the very least, never feed your dog more than a very small serving of ice cream in order to limit the amount of fat, lactose and sugar.

A Dessert to Cool Down a K9

Looking for a better option for your dog?

Make homemade popsicles!

But, again, ice cream is best avoided.

Ice Cream And Dairy In General

The fact is lots of dogs cannot digest dairy very well. Most are lactose intolerant to some degree.

Understand that lactose is a type of sugar in ice creams.

You’ve got to be familiar with the different levels if sharing dairy foods with your dog.

For example, ice cream has lots more than cottage cheese.

Don’t Downplay Digestive Downsides

Dogs should be fed foods that help to aid digestion. By contrast, this dessert is counterproductive to that goal.

Ice cream, more than anything, tends to make dogs have loose stools and/or gastric upset.

And all the negatives from a nutritional standpoint should be plenty enough to convince pet owners.

But things could be even worse…

Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus

Beware of Dog Bloat!

Sometimes it’s a life threatening condition. It happens quickly and can absolutely be fatal.

You can easily avoid such a serious scenario by simply rationing the dog’s consumption (ice cream included).

Fact: Bloat occurs more often in large breeds.

Eating too much and too fast are known causes of Dog Bloat.

And this applies here because the sugar in ice cream will tend to make a pet dog want to ‘go to town’. Be sure to prevent it from happening!

Concerning Ice Cream Accidents

Has your dog already eaten a bunch of ice cream?

Well, hopefully it wasn’t a chocolate variety.

Chocolate ice cream can be terribly toxic for dogs.

You need a vet’s urgent help if you’re dealing with such a scenario.

Thankfully, more often than not, a modest amount of any other type of ice cream isn’t a total disaster.

More Excellent Alternative Ideas

Besides homemade popsicles, frozen yogurts are better than ice cream.

And we highly recommend chilled pumpkin because it will make for a very nutritious treat for your dog.

Most recipes that can be whipped up at home are healthier than store-bought ice cream.

The Bottom Line

Do not give your dog any ice cream.

It lacks nutrition and may disagree with their stomach in some unpleasant ways. Serious harm is not out of the question either.

There are no shortage of reasons not to share with lactose (dairy) and high fat content being the obvious factors.

The only good news: Your dog will be fine if they had just a bit of ice cream.

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15 thoughts on “Read This Before Giving Your Dog Ice Cream!”

  1. Last month a Dairy Queen worker offered me a pup cup for my 8 year old Corgi-mix. I’d never given him one, but he jumped up and started eating it out of the workers hand.

    I took him for a 10 minute break. We took several breaks during what turned into a 2+ hour walk. It was a hot day in July, and he drank more water then usual, and another drink (probably out of habit) when he got home. Within an hour he was wailing in pain.

    An hour later, he vomited up the soft serve and we thought he’d be okay. Later that night he came to my room, calmly approached my bed (to say goodbye), and then laid on the carpet. We found him at 6am. An autopsy confirmed he died of bloat. This beautiful, active, healthy dog died tragically.

  2. Our dog has suddenly started puking after just a bite of ice cream. He has previously eaten it without problems. Any ideas anyone?

  3. I fed my Shepard Husky mix a couple scoops of Rocky Road. Other than a little bit of loose stool she licked the bowl clean. She is only 5 months old and pretty much housebroken.

    1. Doesn’t Rocky Road ice cream contain chocolate that can be toxic for dogs? I bet she loved it.

  4. Everything you said can be applied to humans.

    1. That’s right John. The only difference is that dogs often can’t process dairy as well as humans. The effects of foods and medications can be magnified with furry friends.

      1. People who are lactose intolerant can’t digest it as well either.

        1. People who are lactose intolerant, for the most part, have enough sense not to consume it. The same can’t be said for dogs. They cannot choose whether to eat something or not based on whether it will make them sick.

          They don’t know any better. It’s up the owner to ensure this doesn’t happen. Giving them something with lactose, knowing there’s a potential for them to get sick from it, is irresponsible.

  5. My dog likes semi-frozen, mashed banana. Of course, bananas contain sugar so you don’t want to give too much or too often.

  6. My dogs love ice cream and strawberry as well. My neighbor started giving Gator ice cream years ago, and I also give them some. I have 4 dogs, including Gator, and they all eat it without any problems at all. I give it to Gator, to help him, since he gets constipated all the time. I just brush their teeth afterwards.

  7. I cannot give my little dog ice cream. He is a fast eater and I don’t want anything to happen to him.

    1. You can! Billy and Margot is an ice cream brand with flavors such as strawberry, apple, honey and banana. It’s dairy-free and full of nutrition for your dog.

      1. That sounds good! Where can I find Billy and Margot?

      2. In Australia all of our dogs here are dairy-free also. Dairy products tend to make our beloved Boxer very loose. We avoid it as much as possible and sugar too. She is active enough without another stimulus source.

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