Papaya For a Pet Dog? Read This First!

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Papaya is one of the best fruits around. The enzymes are especially great for gut health.

But what about for your dog?

Can I Give My Dog Papaya?Here’s the deal:

Go easy and your best buddy can also benefit from eating portioned out papaya.

Introduce those valuable nutrients, but do so without getting carried away!

Your Dog Can Have Papaya

Just be smart about it. That means you have to remove the seeds and peel away the air-exposed exterior.

Done right, fresh papaya is an excellent addition to your dog’s diet.

If nothing else, it is rich in fiber which can improve their digestion.

But it cannot be stressed enough:

Avoid giving a whole bunch. You never know how your dog will handle a new food — especially when it comes to fruits.

Caution: Dehydrated fruits tend to be too sweet. Dehydrated papaya is not recommended, particularly for diabetic dogs.

Supplement Form Papaya

Papaya enzyme tablets have a similar effect to providing your canine with fresh papaya. These supplements are available in stores selling health products.

If your dog weighs 50 pounds or more, you may be able to give them an adult dose but check with your vet first.

Obviously, smaller dogs must take a lower dosage.

The Many Health Benefits

Aside from treating indigestion, bloating and flatulence, there are other benefits that your dog can receive from papaya.

This super food is rich in vitamins and minerals that are not only beneficial to people but dogs as well.

In addition to fiber, papaya also contains vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate and potassium.

It’s also a good source of magnesium and calcium, which is great for growth.

Further, it can help to prevent heart problems and atherosclerosis.

Last but not least, your dog may also have more energy and a strengthened immune system.

The Bottom Line

Papaya is safe for dogs.

With that being said, some basic preparation is necessary. Be sure to remove the peel and seeds.

Also avoid overfeeding. Keep papaya portions reasonable and see how your dog’s stomach reacts.

That’s right. This fruit could certainly cause irregular bowel movements.

But, in general, feeding your dog portioned papaya is a good idea. After all, it’s healthy!

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10 thoughts on “Papaya For a Pet Dog? Read This First!”

  1. How many tablets of papaya enzyme can I give my 1 and 1/2 year old dog?

  2. I was thinking of using dried papaya seeds as a kind of defense against worms every now and then. But then I stumbled upon this write up. Could someone please tell me a natural alternative?

  3. My Chihuahua just ate some papaya seeds. He looks sick today. Should I take him to the vet?

  4. My background is in Vet Science and Holistic Pet Nutrition. Dogs benefit enormously from raw papaya and Paw Paw. Choose green-to-yellow/orange color. Nice and firm but not too soft.

    It’s very important to avoid any paw paw or papaya that has distinctive mold dentition, spots or even a very yeasty odor. This is because ‘mold’ interferes with healthy digestion and is a precursor to many cancers as well as skin ailments. It’s to be noted, however, most fruits naturally contain mold which is the thick skin on the outside of the fruit to help protect and ripen.

    Paw Paw which is the yellow pungent variety has more anti-cancer/tumor/and other medicinal properties than papaya (the red sweet variety). It is extremely important to peel and discard all the black and white seeds, chop the fruit into chunks and store in container in your fridge for up to 7 days.

    It is normal to see a clear jelly-like substance on the fruit and bottom of container. It is not off. In fact, it is the ‘natural mucilage’ of the fruit and is very healthy. I personally have never met a dog who doesn’t love it. If yours doesn’t it will be because it is either under or over ripe or it hasn’t been introduced slowly (mashed into the food).

    A hugely beneficial and clever way to get dogs eating it is to add plain goat or sheep yogurt to a dish of mashed papaya or pawpaw. The plain goat or sheep yogurt is a great probiotic and is wonderfully healing for pets with gut disorders including liver, thyroid, renal and bowel disorders and can even reverse or minimize diabetes T2.

  5. Sis Dee & Lula says:

    Our dogs don’t like it. 🙁

  6. My Shiba Inu ate half of a papaya from the fruit bowl! Is she going to be okay?

    1. Hi Marco. If your Shiba Inu ate the whole papaya, including the seeds and peel, I would immediately take her to a vet for bouts of diarrhea or stomach/bowl cramping. It will not be fatal however the seeds do contain cyanide. The peel from the plant does produce a latex sap and can cause stomach irritation.

      If your dog has no heart murmur problem it’s best not to use slippery elm as it is rich in calcium and can cause heartbeat interference. To help aid and neutralize immediate gastrointestinal poisoning I use the following: 1-2 teaspoons to 1 cup warm water of Slippery Elm powder (the elm tree bark which is powdered – no additives and is 100% pure).

      1. My dog eats a bowl of papaya every day. He loves it. It has helped him keep away skin diseases. His skin also has a wonderful glow that I presume is due to papaya.

  7. I have seen may programs on the use of this fruit as a sure fire way of killing parasites within the body of both humans and animals. I would presume that this has been well researched as an alternative medicine and am wondering why the vets don’t ever mention this cure?

    It would make sense for a vet to make sure they try and save you a few dollars, but it seems the industry is not for people and saving money, but to sell products to owners who are advised by vets that the product is a surefire cure.

    Then they tell you that the price for the same medicine from a vet is ninety times more expensive than earth grown cures. It is always wise to search first before taking your pet to the vet.

    One hundred dollars for the visit and as high as four hundred dollars to help your dog when all you would have to really have spent is the cost of a few papayas. I think the industry is a money gouging entity.

    1. Vets are good people. Some do treat with or recommend natural products. Others sell what they sell because of how they were taught. They are not gougers, but mostly people who care about animals. I thank God for them in serious situations.

      Making money is a good thing. Business is a good thing. It’s any pet owner’s responsibility to make their own choices and judgement.

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