Read This Before Feeding Your Dog Artichokes!

Are you tempted to feed a tasty artichoke to your pet dog?

Can canines chow down and also benefit from the amazing nutrients including vitamin C, folic acid, magnesium and fiber?

Can I Give My Dog an Artichoke?There’s no doubt that this perennial plant bud is super healthy, but consider a few other factors before sharing with your dog.

For one, lots of artichoke recipes call for ingredients that dogs should not be eating. The key is to give this fabulous flowery vegetable in a way that makes digestion easy.

Dogs Can Have Artichokes (in moderation)

It’s OK without other potentially harmful ingredients.

Artichokes are not toxic for dogs —  nor are the stems, hearts or leaves.

The biggest danger is a potential for a digestive tract blockage. For that reason, artichokes must be prepared for your dog in easy-to-consume portions.

There is also a chance as with any human food of diarrhea and/or vomiting. And keep in mind that many new foods, including artichokes, simply don’t agree with some dogs.

Artichoke Health Benefits

If all goes well, your dog can benefit from this antioxidant-rich veggie.

Artichokes are low in calories, sodium, fat and cholesterol. They are also packed with potassium and niacin.

Canines can pick up nutrients that may not be in their regular kibble.

Although, keep in mind that dogs create their own vitamin-c. They also don’t typically need to have their cholesterol lowered.

Positives Specific To Dogs

Many dogs struggle with digestive issues.

Artichokes, either the globe or spiny varieties, may help with irritable bowel as well as flatulence.

The antioxidants defend against cancer, heart problems, premature aging and overall illness. Artichokes are also an immune system boost.

That’s not all! Your dog’s liver may benefit!

K9 Digestion Considerations

To feed a dog an artichoke prepare it in such a way to prevent an intestinal blockage.

Seriously! Fido could choke on this food.

Simply cut the artichoke up into small pieces and ration it.

Feed it slowly because you don’t yet know if your dog’s stomach can handle it.

And avoid feeding artichokes in the same way you may enjoy them — exclude garlic and other questionable ingredients.

In other words, give your dog all the benefits and none of the drawbacks of a healthy artichoke meal.

Who said table food cannot be fed to pets!

Cooked or Raw Artichokes

Artichokes are often steamed, braised, sauteed, boiled or fried. But, for your dog, it’s best to feed it raw.

Keep it simple!

Consuming an artichoke raw means your dog will get the maximum nutritional benefit.

Just remove the outer leaves and then dice it up for your dog so they can easily chow down.

Pro Tip: Get a freshly picked artichoke. It is fresh if it makes a squeaky sound when it is squeezed.

The Bottom Line

Do some basic prep work to avoid a choking hazard and artichokes will be healthy for your dog too.

Though such blockages are rare nonetheless they are very dangerous, sometimes fatal, when they do occur.

Feed your dog raw plain artichoke cut up into small pieces and with no added ingredients! Do that and feeding this food is a great idea!

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One thought on “Read This Before Feeding Your Dog Artichokes!”

  1. This is helpful. The probiotic I wanted for both my dogs and myself contains artichokes. They are non-GMO, gluten-free vegan capsules. But I’m concerned about the artichoke.

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