Are you wondering if Piriton is safe and effective for dogs?
You’re not alone because millions of pets have their fair share of allergies! Skin reactions such as rashes or hives as well as hay fever are particularly common among canines.
You’ll be happy to hear that Piriton, when used responsibly, is a fairly safe antihistamine for dogs.
With that being said…
Pets are a bit more susceptible to harm when taking Piriton. Dosing is just one aspect for minimizing the risks.
Keep reading to learn more about this topic!
Dogs Can Take Piriton
Bad allergies can weaken the immune system. This, in turn, could expose your dog to other sicknesses.
So it’s good news that Chlorphenamine maleate, Piriton’s active ingredient, can be used on animals.
The Known Side Effects
Of course, nearly all pharmaceuticals can have side effects and Piriton is no different. Your dog could experience the following:
- Constipation
- Nausea
- Stomach pains
- Drowsiness or sleepiness
- Dizziness
- Blurred vision
- Dry nose, mouth and throat
An extreme overdose could cause a dog to have a decreased heart rate, seizures, or even slip into a coma.
Nevertheless, Piriton is routinely prescribed by veterinarians because the benefits usually outweigh any downsides.
Proper Piriton Dog Dosing
Dosage primarily depends on body weight, but age, breed and medical history may factor in as well.
It’d be irresponsible to make specific recommendations for your dog. However, the following is a general rule of thumb:
A half tablet per day for small breeds. For larger dogs, 1 or 2 Piriton tablets daily.
The product also comes in syrup form and, in most cases, 5ml is generally safe.
Warning: Certain drug interactions can be problematic for pets taking Chlorphenamine.
It should also be pointed out that, compared to Piriton, Apoquel may be more appropriate for your dog’s allergies. Be sure to ask your vet about this possibility.
Be Proactive For Your Canine
Are you mystified about what’s triggering your dog’s allergies?
Being familiar with some of the factors may avoid a need for Piriton.
For example, some dogs are allergic to certain foods.
Environmental sensitivities could cause difficulties as well. These include allergies to grass, pollen, mould spores and even air pollution. Dust mites are another common culprit.
Sometimes simply giving the house a deep cleaning cuts down on a pet dog’s scratching, sneezing and coughing.
The point is this:
Underlying causes should be addressed, if possible, as opposed to always relying on Piriton.
Insect Bites And Scratching
Dogs frequently experience reactions from insect bites.
Marks on the skin are an obvious indicator. Trips outdoors do require close inspection afterwards.
Is your dog constantly scratching themselves?
Skin allergies are particularly troublesome. Excessive itching is very irritating and often leads to a vicious cycle. The skin will eventually bleed from constant scratching.
Red patches, bad rashes or bumps are often due to severe allergies and inflammation.
Visit a trusted vet for help. Piriton can only do so much!
Making That Judgement Call
It could be best to hold off on providing a pet with Piriton.
Complications are never out of the question. This is true even when conservatively dosing your dog. And, if other drugs are involved, the risks greatly increase.
Perhaps an evaluation of the dog food being consumed is in order, at least before medicating.
During this time, it also can’t hurt to check if your furry friend’s shots were performed in recent years.
The Bottom Line
Dogs can take Piriton for a variety of allergy-related issues including those of the skin, hay fever, dust mites, etc.
However, depending on the situation, there may be better options. Prescription Apoquel is one such alternative.
The best course of action?
Consult with your vet before giving Piriton.
In the meantime, make a strong effort to pin down what’s triggering your dog’s allergies. Finding out could prove to be the ultimate solution!
My Jack Russell has been stung by a bee. Do you think Piriton will work?
My Border Terrier has a skin allergy and is always scratching. My vet prescribed Aqopuel which is expensive. Does Piriton work for dogs? The vet says it doesn’t but she would say that. I have changed her food. It is all so expensive.
Judith, I had similar issues with my dog. She was always scratching herself and chewing her feet. I tried steroids for a while, as a short time solution, and then Apoquel. It’s expensive though!
My Staffy has constant ear infections. Can I give him Piriton and for how many a days? I am constantly at vets and the cost is getting to be unaffordable.
My previous dog had one ear infection after another and was constantly on ear drops. A new vet suggested Piriton and my buddy never had another infection after that. However, I would be wary of using it without vet approval, especially if your dog is on any other medication.
My dog is constantly scratching. I realized he couldn’t eat poultry and is on a grain-free diet. He had some cooked green tripe and now he is scratching and very lethargic. He’s not that interested in his food and I don’t know what to do.
I treated him for fleas, just to be on the safe side, but it hasn’t made a difference. Would Piriton help and what dosage should I give him? His weight is 24.75 pounds.
I have a 78 pound white Pit Bull. He suffers from skin lesions. I live in the Caribbean and we don’t have a great choice of animal meds. I’ve put my boy on Piriton but I don’t think he is getting enough. I am giving him one a day. Can you help with the right dose?
Our dog probably weighs less than your dog and the vet has put her on one tablet twice a day.
My dog weighs 11.6 kilograms and, as a starter dose to get on top of it, was given two 4mg tabs twice daily for 5 days.
My Australian Kelpie chewed patches of hair off her back every summer, making herself very sore in the process. She’d constantly scratch in the summer months too, but doesn’t have fleas. I’m extremely careful to make sure she doesn’t get any either. She appears to have some sort of allergy, but I don’t have a clue yet as to what. It’s a long, patient process of elimination.
I currently give her the correct dosage of Piriton for her size and weight, which will obviously differ for every dog. It helps to ease the problem, but please do not ever give Piriton to your dog without first consulting your vet. If it isn’t necessary for your pet, it could cause more harm than good.
My rescued boy came to me with many problems. He had severe ear infections, itchy skin and fistulas. He is on a hypoallergenic diet and during the pollen season he takes Piriton, as directed by my vet, three times each day. He weighs 36 kilograms so three tablets is not excessive for him. I asked my vet how long he could stay on Piriton and he said forever.
My boy was taking Atopica for a year and this seems to have sorted out his fistulas. Another positive of this medication was the help with allergies, but he had to stop taking it because of side-effects. This is why he is now on Piriton.
My vet has suggested that I give my dog Piriton, long-term as a preventative measure, to avoid a recurrence of an ear infection. Is it common practice to use Piriton in such a preventative way?
My dog has a real problem with her skin after walking through long grass. The affected area looks very sore. It’s just under her stomach between the top of her leg and she just will not stop licking it. Can you please suggest some cream I can use to help her? Many thanks!
My Poodle has just had exactly the same condition, also looked very depressed, with constant licking of her tummy and under her front legs which look very sore. I took her to the vet last night, had an antihistamine injection, and was diagnosed with a skin allergy called Hay Fever.
Thank you for replying. Since I have not walked my dog in long grass, the affected area on her stomach has cleared up!
My dog, a small breed, has jumped into stingy nettles and is going mad. I’ve bathed her in warm salt water. Any other suggestions as to what I can do to make it easier for her? Thank you!
Possibly try bath in a bicarb solution, as this will neutralize the effect of the nettle stings.
Can I give Piriton to my Lhasa Apso while she’s on antibiotics? She’s on them because she has eczema around her eyes. I was wondering, could it be some sort of allergy as well?
My American Bulldog scratches his ears and eyes. How much Piriton should I give him? Thanks if anyone can help.
Our vet has just told us to give our German Shepherd Piriton because of an allergy to her renal diet. We cannot change her food as she also has kidney failure. So we’re hoping it will stop or at least ease the itchy skin she has.
What dose do you give?
Is giving my dog Piriton going to contraindicate use of a steroid (2.5mg twice a day). In other words, will the Piriton stop the steroid from working?
I have a miniature Schnauzer. She is 5 years old and has been biting her paws for the past 6 months. They are now discolored. The antihistamines she was given don’t seem to be working. Could you recommended anything? I had to change her food as she had kidney stones. She’s now on Royal Canine.
Yes Angela, Apoquel has worked very well for my 13 year old Bull Terrier. I believe a blood test may be required before a vet will prescribe it. It’s horrible for the poor dog, not getting any peace. I hope my message will help someone.
Hi Angela. My dog, who I lost 2 years ago because of old age, suffered with biting his paws mainly when the grass was cut.
Someone told me about a foot wash. I cannot remember the name but it was a pink liquid, and you just use a drop in water to wash their feet when they come in from a walk. It worked. I hope this helps.
I think you are describing hibiscus wash.
My Westie and I are going crazy. Sleepless nights with constant scratching and biting. Treated regularly with Stronghold. No red patches of inflamed skin. Feet being constantly bitten and washed. I have had Westies with skin problems but he has never had a problem (11 years).
I seem to have spent a fortune and tried so much as a pensioner to save drugs and money at vets but to no avail. Is it where we walk our dogs or is it just seasonal and harvest mites? Can anyone give advice to help him? My friend went to a vet who gave steroids, antibiotics and Frontline spray which has made her 3yr old lifeless and depressed.
My Yorkshire Terrier appears to have a reaction to her food in the form of scratching. Will this medication help? She is 4.5 kg. How much should I give her?
I hope you get an answer. I also have a 4.5 kilogram dog. What dosage of Piriton for my Jackapoo?
Hello again. My dog had a bad reaction to something and Piriton did not help on this occasion. I took him in for a steroid jab and the vet advised me that giving your dog Piriton is fine as long as it’s the correct dose.
How long can my dog take Piriton for? When she stops taking them she starts scratching within two days.
My mini schnauzer is 7 years old and has been taking antihistamines for the last two years to control major irritation of her paws and ears. When taking antihistamines she is able to live a normal life with manageable moments of itchiness preventing secondary damage to her feet and ears.
I don’t believe she will ever be off them so I manage her dosage to keep to the minimum. This has the support of my vet. I must stress she is under supervision of my local vet and I have her health checked twice a year.
I give her half a tablet twice daily and during the summer if I miss a dose it is noticeable. In the winter I try to reduce the dose to one half tablet daily but she can rarely go for a day without antihistamines.
Fortunately they work well for her but I do keep the dosage to the minimum because they can become less effective with long term use. She is fit as a fiddle and comfortable with this treatment. I hope this is helpful.
Most pharmacies will not sell medication for use in animals (even if recommended by a vet) as they are only licensed for human use.
Simple solution – don’t mention that it’s for an animal. That’s how I do it, anyway.
My mini Jack Russel is scratching a lot and has made red patches on her skin. She had her usual flea drops about two weeks ago. I think she is having a reaction to midge bites. I want to give her Piriton but need to know what dosage to give her as she is very small – she weighs just 4.5 kilograms.
As always you should get her checked by a vet first. I have a mini Schnauzer who is very allergic and weighs just under 10kg. She has one tablet twice daily prescribed by a vet but I give her half a tablet twice daily and this keeps irritation to a minimum. If really bad, she gets a whole one every now and then. Hope she responds to the treatment as not all dogs do. Good luck!
I took my dog out this morning and could not believe the state he was in when I got him home. His face was double the size. His eyes were closed and the spots were massive. He didn’t even look like my dog. I got him home, bathed him in cool plain water and gave him Piriton. Within 3 hours he looked like his old self, just very tired.
My dog is on Piriton for hay fever. Can you tell me how long it takes to work? She’s been on it only 2 days now.
Margaret it should start working within 24 hours but you may notice your dog experiencing some drowsiness. Of course, you need to consult with a vet because only they can recommend the proper dosage and treatment for something like Hay Fever. I hope your dog feels better soon.
My 2 little dogs have been on Piriton for a week. Poor little mites are still scratching. Any advice please?
Can I ask if any one else’s dog has had an anaesthetic prior to any of these allergies?
Yes! My dog had an operation in January and came out in hives the next day. He has been very touchy since (especially when being stroked). Also, he had an ear infection and he is chewing his paws.